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Order of Worship – September 15, 2024, 10 am & 5 pm

*Indicates to stand up

10 am service

Pre-Service Song: 134: Come, Bless the LORD with One Accord
*Call to Worship
*Votum and Salutation
*Song: 233: O Father, You Are Sovereign
Law of God
Song: 81A:1,4,5: Sing Aloud to God Our Strength
Scripture Reading: Hosea 6:1-7:3
   Text: Hosea 6:4-7:3
   Title: O Ephraim, What Shall I Do To You?
   Theme: God passionately calls His people to account for their sin.
        1. For their obstinacy under God's correction.
        2. For their outrageous treachery.
        3. For being oblivious to God's eye upon them.
*Song: 272: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
Offerings: 1. Budget; 2. Eternal Life Mission
*Doxology: 150A:1,3: Hallelujah! Praise the LORD

Sermon questions

1. What do God's “passionate” questions (v4) teach us?
2. Name 3 ways Israel showed obstinacy under God's correction.
3. Give 3 descriptions of their outrageous treachery.
4. How does God's grace also appear in His words to Israel?

5 pm service

Pre-Service Song: 84C:1,3,6: O Lord of Hosts, How Lovely
*Call to Worship
*Votum and Salutation
*Song: 102B: Thou, O Lord, Art God Alone
Scripture Reading: Psalm 94
Song: 36A: 1,2,5,8: My Heart Has Heard an Oracle
Scripture Reading: Romans 3:9-23; 5:12-21
   Text: Canons of Dort, Article 1
   Title: God's Right to Condemn All People
   Theme: God could have justly willed to condemn everyone for sin.
        1. God is just to impute the sin of Adam to all.
        2. God is just whenever he leaves people in their sin.
        3. God is just for condemning all who sin against his law.
*Song: 425:1,3,4,5: How Sweet and Awesome Is the Place
Offerings: 1. Budget; 2. Eternal Life Mission
*Confession of Faith: Apostle's Creed
*Doxology: 563: May the Grace of Christ Our Savior

Sermon questions

1. What fact regarding infants shows that they share in Adam's guilt?
2. How does God's inaction show His sovereign justice?
3. In what sense is there no 'natural death'?
4. Why is this Article important for believing in election?